Please fill up the form with all required information. Please do not use all UPPERCASE in your submission and abbreviated author names.
The deadline for submission is due to October 3, 2025
Select nature of free communication
Please choose the preferred presentation format to which this submission is being applied for. Please note that your selection does not necessarily mean that you will be accepted within that choice.
Part 1: Presenting Author's Information
The submitting author is either the main or one of the co-authors who will is will be presenting this submission at the educational activity. This author needs to be listed once again in the next section.
Part 2: Co-Author's Information
Please list all authors in this section including the main/presenting/co-authors.
Please list ALL author(s) institution affiliations,
in order to refer to them by their number later (see below).
The authors must also include the following:
Institution, City, Country (i.e., College of Medicine & Health Sciences- Saudi Arabia University, Saudi Arbia)
1. Institution
2. Institution
3. Institution
4. Institution
5. Institution
6. Institution
7. Institution
8. Institution
9. Institution
10. Institution
Author Affiliation
Please list all authors in the order they should appear in the publication.
In the institution field please select the number corresponding to the city and country listed above (e.g.: 1).
1. Main Author
1. Co-Author
2. Co-Author
3. Co-Author
4. Co-Author
5. Co-Author
6. Co-Author
7. Co-Author
8. Co-Author
9. Co-Author
10. Co-Author
Part 3: Abstract
The abstract minimum word count should be 200 and must not exceed 500 words. No bullet points will be accepted. Please do not copy paste text directly from a PDF due to formatting purposes. Please do not place your section headers, e.g. “Introduction” in the sectional fields below
Please upload your abstrat in docx or doc format.
Part 4: Young Investigator Award